Our company is preparing a proof-of-concept for a upcoming tender. One component requires a dedicated mail server for mail corresponding and notifications/alert for a secured/intranet environment.
The user base is not huge. There are two products which are interesting - Zimbra and Scalix.
Both offers basic email and calendaring services (good enough for most usage). Easy to install for single-box deployment, yet able to scale when required.
Sun Java System Communications Suite will be an overkill for this tender. It can scale definitely. But for small deployment like this, it's better to keep things simple. (This has always been my working style.)
Today, I look into Scalix Architecture. Looks good.

Scalix is supposed to work very well with Outlook client (both email and calendar). I'm anxious to test it out personally.
The pluggable modules (for AV/AS especially) also look interesting. But I'll still need to find out how easy and well-intergated they are when I start installation and configuration. Hopefully it will be a nice experience.
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