I was trying to setup OpenAM on a new VM for POC.
In customer environment, the trend these days is to move away from Solaris OS (which I am very familiar with for the past 7 years) and to adopt Linux as much as possible. Nothing wrong with the OS, just that the physical boxes have got more and more expensive.
So for this new VM, I have CentOS 5.5 installed (since most customers will be installing RHEL).
It shouldn't be too difficult to install, I thought. I was wrong! I kept getting the following error:
The administration connector self-signed certificate cannot be generated because the following error occurred: openam: openam.
I checked the Network Configuration and found that I have a matching Hostname: openam.
In the end, I found out that I need a matching entry in /etc/hosts.
The last entry "openam" is required.
Very strange! How come in "Configuration Store Details", the Host Name is "localhost" and is non-editable? How does that "localhost" get mapped to "openam"? Kind of confused and distracted during debugging.
thanks for the tip. I had the same problem and that fixed it for me. Cheers!