Monday, March 14, 2011

amtune Issue

The Single Sign-On infrastructure which I helped to architect for the local ministry is about to go LIVE. I'm trying to tune the OpenSSO server before it's launched - amtune comes to mind. It's a built-in tool.

However, when I run the utility, I kept hanging at the following stage:

"Checking Application Server JVM mode (32-bit or 64-bit) for AS 9/Glassfish v2"

It's not moving. I waited for as long as 15 minutes. This can't be normal as I have used amtune in previous version of Sun Access Manager.

So I debugged the error log file. Nothing unusual. I realized the error shown on my shell prompt mapped to the following line in the error log file:

# /sso/opt/gf211/bin/asadmin generate-jvm-report --user admin --passwordfile /tmp/asadminpass --host localhost --port 8888 --secure --interactive=false

Being curious, I copied the line and tried to execute it manually. Found it!

The OpenSSO servers are SSL-enabled and the keystore in the system's JVM has not trusted the certificate yet. I answered "y" to the above.

Re-executed amtune again. Everything goes smoothly after that!


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