By default, when a user authenticates with Facebook via OpenAM Login Page, only a short-lived access token is captured.
There are 2 issues:
- The marketing engine will only run nightly/weekly. The short-lived access token would have expired then.
- The access token, even if it has not expired, is not persisted. Thus the marketing engine has no means to pick it up.
I did some research and this is what is required to exchange a short-lived access token with a long-lived access token.
You must exchange this short lived token with a long lived token by invoking a GET request to the following URL:[APP_ID]&client_secret=[APP_SECRET]&fb_exchange_token=[SHORT_LIVED_TOKEN]
public void onLoginSuccess( Map requestParamsMap, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, SSOToken ssoToken )
throws AuthenticationException {
if (authentication module is Facebook) {
// THIS IS KEY! Without it, there is no way to exchange for a long-lived
// access token
// this is short-lived access token returned from Facebook at OAuth
// authentication module
String accessToken = ssoToken.getProperty
// clientId, clientSecret, tokenServiceUrl
// quick and dirty is to hardcode;
// otherwise, read, and
String clientId = ...;
String clientSecret = ...;
String tokenServiceUrl = ...;
// follow the URL format above (highlighted in blue)
String url = getFormattedTokenServiceUrlForFBLongLivedToken
(accessToken, clientId, clientSecret, tokenServiceUrl);
(accessToken, clientId, clientSecret, tokenServiceUrl);
// make a GET call to Facebook to exchange for a long-lived access token
// methods getContent() and getContentStreamByGET() available
// in (no need to reinvent wheel; modify a bit will do)
// in (no need to reinvent wheel; modify a bit will do)
String longLivedToken = getContent(url);
// Need to strip:
// e.g. access_token=[LONG-LIVED-ACCESS-TOKEN]&expires=5148647
longLivedToken = longLivedToken.substring(13,longLivedToken.indexOf("&"));
// Persist FB long-lived access token to user's LDAP entry
updateFBLongLivedAccessToken (longLivedToken, ssoToken);