Friday, November 15, 2013

Internet of Things

Everyone is talking about "Internet of Things" these days … Today, I came across an article from CA which talks about the same topic. The same article makes reference to ISACA - 2013 IT Risk/Reward Barometer.

The following chart is interesting as it also highlights the consumers' concern ("Not knowing who has access to information collected by connected devices"), which is quite alarming high to me - 44%.

The survey also captures the type of Governance Issues that comes with Internet of Things.

The top 3 are:
1. Increased security threats
2. Data privacy
3. Identity / access management

Yes, IAMS has a room to play in the Internet of Things ….  As I always say,  Cloud, Mobile, Social is not going to go away anytime soon. They will just get bigger, and we should better prepared ourselves for them.


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